Code of Conduct

  1. The units’ adult leaders are responsible for the supervision of its membership in respect to maintaining discipline, security, and the Jamboree Code of Conduct.
  2. Leaders will be guided by the Scout Oath and Scout Law and will obey all U.S., local and state laws.
  3. Participants will set a good example by being neatly dressed and presentable.  (The official BSA uniform and/or Jamboree identifying items are the only acceptable apparel as deemed appropriate for the activity.) [Scoutmaster comment-the statement and reviewing the packing list means that only boy scout pants/shorts should be worn]
  4. Participants will attend all scheduled programs and participate as required in cooperation with other unit members and leaders.
  5. In consideration of other unit participants, participants agree to follow the bedtime and sleep schedule of the unit, unless otherwise directed by the Jamboree program.
  6. Participants will be responsible for keeping their tent and personal gear clean and neat.  All personal gear will be labeled with appropriate name and unit information.  Participants will adhere to all Jamboree recycling policies and regulations.  All participants will do their best to prevent littering of the Jamboree grounds.
  7. Participants understand that the purchase, possession, or consumption of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs is prohibited on BSA/Summit property.
  8. Serious and or repetitive behavior violations including cheating, stealing, dishonesty, swearing, fighting, and cursing may result in expulsion from the Jamboree or serious disciplinary action and loss of privileges.  The Jamboree headquarters must be contacted for the expulsion procedure to be invoked.  There are no exceptions.
  9. Participants understand that gambling of any for is prohibited.
  10. Participants understand that possession of lasers of any type, and possession or detonation of fireworks is prohibited unless otherwise specifically authorized by the Boys Scouts of America.
  11. Participants will demonstrate respect for unit, Jamboree, and Summit property and be personally responsible for any loss, breakage, or vandalism of property as a result of their actions.
  12. Neither the unit leaders nor the Boy Scouts of America will be responsible for loss, breakage, or theft of personal items.  Theft will be grounds for expulsion.
  13. Participants will obey the safety rules and instructions of all supervisors and staff members.
  14. In accordance with U.S., local, and state laws, firearms and weapons are prohibited in the possession of all Jamboree participants unless otherwise specifically authorized by the Boy Scouts of America.
  15. All leaders must complete Youth Protection training prior to the pre-Jamboree training and follow the guidelines therein.
  16. Hazing has no place in Scouting; nor do running the gauntlet, belt lines, or similar physical punishment.
  17. Patch and souvenir trading should occur only between your peers except when otherwise permitted.
  18. Participants and staff members may only bring items specified on the equipment list provided by the Jamboree Department and National Council.
  19. Violation of this Code of Conduct, or any conduct deemed to be inconsistent with the values of Scouting, may result in expulsion from the Jamboree at the participant’s own expense; and could result in revocation of BSA membership.
  20. All participants (with the exception of minor children accompanied by a parent or guardian) will have a current photo ID in their possession.

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